Grand Rapids's Best Bat Removal

We've been voted Grand Rapids's best bat removal company the past two years!

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Bat Experts

Rapid Response

Trained & Educated

Licensed & Certified

About Grand Rapids Bat Removal

Welcome to We are the only qualified bat removal company in Grand Rapids, Michigan. When you look at your home during the day, it would be impossible to tell whether or not it has a bat problem in the attic or loft space, but once the sunlight starts to fade it can become a different matter. Bat colonies can come in different sizes, from just a small number of bats through to several thousand, and as dusk falls and they come out to hunt you may see a stream of them exiting the roof. If you see this happening in your home then you should take action, as they can cause a significant amount of damage particularly because of the amount of guano that they can produce. It is also important to hire a professional company such as ourselves for this work, as bat removal work is specialized, and there are significant health risks from coming into contact with bat guano. We have a team available to take your call 24/7, and they will be able to talk through the different steps that we will take, and can give you an idea of the cost of the work. Our technicians are available for a quick appointment to visit your property, and they are fully trained, qualified and licensed to carry out all aspects of animal removal work in both domestic and commercial properties in the area. As well as being able to exclude the bats from your property in a swift fashion, we can also offer a full sealing, repair and cleaning service too. We operate 24-7-365, so don't hesitate to call us at 616-427-1541 to discuss your bat problem and schedule a fast appointment.


We are experts at removing bats from residential properties. Whether you have a single bat trapped in your house, a colony roosting in your attic, and/or various other problems, there is no need to worry! During our removal process, we make sure to inspect your entire home carefully, tracking down all the entrypoints bats are using to invade your place. Next, we perform a process called live exclusion (where no bats are harmed and all exit your property), then seal all entry holes completely shut. We also take care of the cleanup process after, so your home is safe and clean!

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Besides residential areas, we also have a wealth of experience removing bats from commercial properties! We begin by investigating the area for possible bat entrances, covering holes even as small as 1/4 of an inch. Through our live exclusion process, bats leave the building through one-way exits, and we seal up every hole afterward. Once the bats have been removed, we perform a cleanup process. This includes dealing with guano, replacing damaged insulation, and decontaminating the place.

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Contact us for bat removal today!

What Our Customers Say

Repellents for Bats

Having a bat problem is going to leave you with headaches and exhaustion. No one wants to deal with wild animals of any type, especially not bats. They are small, hard to get rid of, and come with various types of disease and health hazards.

Whenever there is a problem like this, you want it gone quickly and easily. You do not want to put in a ton of effort nor do you want to put yourself at risk.

There is one option many see as perfect, as it supposedly does the job without harming you at all – repellents.

Repellents are supposed to work, but do they actually? Are they an option you can trust to remove bats from your home?

Using Repellents

There are several types of repellents out there. Chemical repellents built for bats, audio and visual repellents, and repellents made from ingredients you find around your home.

Each of them are supposed to scare away the bats. They should make bats hate your property and want to leave immediately.

The truth is, none of them work that well. They might sound great on paper, but, in actuality, they fall flat. They do not do the job they promise and leave you with a bat problem, as well as a ton of repellent you do not need and will have to clean up.

Bats, especially when they find a nesting space for their entire group and settle in, are not going to leave easily. They need a better reason than you being slightly annoying.

What to Do

Repellents are not an effective, reliable method of bat removal, but exclusion is. Whether there are bats currently or you want to stop them from going into your property, exclusion works.

If the bats are in your property, using an exclusion funnel will get them out. When they leave to find food, they will go through the funnel. Once out, they have no way back inside. Wait a couple of days and all the bats should be gone.

Exclusion by removing access points is good to keep them out, too. Seal up all access points so that bats cannot enter at any point. Force them to go elsewhere if they want to nest.

Bats do not have to be a source of frustration and headaches, and you do not have to rely on the unreliable to remove them. Repellents do not work, but there are options that do.